
9 Scientifically Proven Ways to Get the Most Out of Study Time - Hey Sigmund

Any student needs to study and memorize the courses he studies, as this is important to achieve good results during exams. No matter how smart or creative the student is, the grades are what ultimately determine his academic path, so students search during exams for easy ways and methods to study and memorize that enable him to obtain a good grade.

The grades a student gets depend on his study method from the beginning, so following the appropriate study method gives positive results. Some tips to facilitate the study process and retrieve information when needed:

Define your goal

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You must set a goal in front of your eyes that you want to reach; to remain an incentive to continue and persevere, and you must have a short-term goal and a long-term goal.

Repeat the information

Echolalia - Wikipedia

Repeating reading information with concentration increases the brain’s ability to store it in memory, and thus facilitate its retrieval.

Link new information to previous information:

This method stores information in the memory in the form of a plan, and this method is better than storing information separately.

Read the information quickly at first

How to Read Faster and Have More Study Time

Read the information you intend to memorize quickly; to help the brain get a general idea of ​​what is coming, then start the process of reading slowly with focus and repetition.

Divide the information you memorize

Memorization Still Matters - AMLE

It is better to divide the information you want to memorize into several parts, and when you memorize any new part, listen to it yourself with the previous parts.

Choose appropriate study times

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Stay away from studying when you feel hungry, tired or sleepy, and you must also stay away from it when eating; because the brain focuses on the digestion process, and sends most of the blood in the body to complete this process.

Choose the appropriate place to study

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Stay away from places with noise, poor ventilation, and poor lighting.

Choose the appropriate memorization method for you:

Study methods differ from one person to another; Some people memorize by listening or writing on paper, so you should know which method suits you and follow it.

Important tips for studying and memorizing Here are a set of tips that help you study and memorize more easily:

Take a break

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Do not try to study for long periods without interruption, but take short breaks to give your brain a chance to store what it has memorized.

Summarize the information

Try to summarize the information you read by writing bullet points on sequential side papers so that the review process is easy and you can focus on the information according to importance.

Organize your time

Stop managing your “TIME”,. Just “FOCUS” on the task at hand. | by  Asimarticles | Medium

Organization is very important to know the time required to finish memorizing; because you must leave time for review.

Study first

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This point is very important, you should not accumulate all the information until the exam time, as that constitutes a great burden on your brain, but you should study the information you take first.

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