How to prepare a suitable educational environment for students
The concept of the learning environment refers to the location where the student receives the education process, so the basic elements of the educational environment are the place, the teacher, and the student. Those in charge of the education process are keen to prepare an educational and educational environment with positive values, principles, and practices by members of the school community so that the education process is advanced and outputs are achieved, represented by a creative and distinguished student in academic and non-academic achievement.
The educational environment is keen to provide leadership opportunities for the learner through classroom and non-classroom activities that stem from a shared vision and modern educational goals. It is a mistake to limit the concept of the learning environment to the classroom only; in modern trends, the learning environment includes a group of interactions represented by educational situations, teaching methods, individuals, material components, and other matters that contribute to building knowledge for the learner inside or outside the school.
Here is how to create a suitable educational environment for students that contributes to achieving the desired educational goals by providing a set of important elements, which are:
Appropriate location
It is important to choose a suitable location for the educational environment; which helps students receive their education with ease and comfort, and provides them with comfort while they are in school, so the geographical location of the educational environment is chosen according to planning standards within the engineering of school buildings, which are:
- Providing a square-shaped plot of land located on service streets with limited meters, with sidewalks that serve students while they walk, and it is necessary to stay away from sites located on highways.
- Providing space on the site to allocate parking spaces for vehicles and buses.
- The site must be in a quiet area and away from sources of disturbance such as factories and entertainment places that affect the learner’s concentration, as it is necessary to stay away from sources of noise pollution in the area by a sufficient distance ranging between (10-320) meters depending on the severity of noise pollution.
- It is preferable to establish the educational environment in a location close to health services and civil defense in the city or village.
- Provides comfortable natural scenery for the students’ psyche, and does not cause any visual disturbance to them.
- The school’s location is higher than the surrounding areas; This is to stay away from auditory distractions, and to protect against natural disasters such as flooding during rain.
Area of the educational environment
It is important to determine a good area to establish and design a good and comfortable educational environment, which provides an appropriate opportunity for students and educational staff to move easily within the educational environment and avoid crowding. The students’ capacity is taken into account, so it is preferable to allocate an area of 4 square meters per student from the total area of the educational environment, and the maximum number of students in one classroom must be between (25-30) students only, also determining the area of the infrastructure of the school to be established, such as buildings and facilities, and the presence of a space for ventilation from all sides of the educational environment, i.e. the distance between its walls and the buildings constructed in the geographical location.
Creating an effective school environment that contributes to achieving unique learning requires providing an infrastructure that provides many services to students, teaching staff, and visitors to this educational environment. Therefore, an infrastructure must be provided that includes several buildings such as the administrative building, the educational building consisting of classrooms, the doctor’s clinic, workshops, theater, library, drawing room, laboratories, playgrounds, gyms, bathrooms, garden, and cafeterias. The infrastructure includes providing a source of water, electricity, sewage, wired and wireless communication lines, and the Internet.
Means of entertainment and enjoyment
When the learner goes to the educational environment, he engages in a group of classroom and non-classroom activities. The difference between them is that classroom activities take place inside the classroom during the educational period, while non-classroom activities take place outside the classroom, and contribute to building skills in the learner and discovering his personal talents, and making the learning process more enjoyable.
These extracurricular activities include: sports, music, acting, journalism, recreational trips, art exhibitions, and many other activities that require designated places to do so outside the classroom. They are means of entertainment and enjoyment for the learner within the educational environment, such as sports equipment, musical instruments, agricultural tools, and artistic tools.
Classroom Tools
The classroom is the most important in the educational environment; the student spends most of his time in it with the teacher; therefore, a set of classroom tools and educational tools must be provided to facilitate the learning and teaching process inside the classroom. These tools include:
- Chairs and tables for students to sit on and use during the learning process.
- Wall boards to display educational content.
- Various educational tools used in the educational process.
Technological devices and equipment
In light of technological development, modern technological services and means must be provided, such as data show, smart boards, computers, and mobile devices within the educational environment, which provides an opportunity to keep pace with modern trends in the use of technology in education, and to apply modern educational methods such as e-learning and blended learning, which make experiences available to students by mixing all students’ senses through the multimedia used, including sound, image, video, and visual texts.
These devices and equipment also add an element of fun and excitement to the educational process, take into account individual differences between students, increase students’ motivation towards learning, and raise the level of academic achievement. Technological devices and equipment also provide an opportunity for the educational and administrative staff to perform the required tasks at high speed and with the least effort and cost while managing the educational process within the school environment.
It is important to provide the World Wide Web within the educational environment in order to develop all parties to the educational process through the information available on it, facilitate communication between the teacher, the student, and parents, and diversify teaching methods and learning styles. In light of the modern trend towards applying the constructivist theory in education, providing the Internet contributes to changing the role of the teacher and the student. The teacher is a guide, facilitator, and supervisor of the educational process, and the student builds his own knowledge and becomes more interactive in the educational situation. The Internet also facilitates the process of communication with officials in the Ministry of Education and parties to the educational process easily and transfers data through available means such as e-mail and social networking sites, as well as achieving the principle of continuity of learning.
Systems and laws There is a set of systems and laws that regulate the responsibilities and rights of all parties to the educational process, which each of them is responsible for adhering to, as they contribute to the educational process running in the best possible way without any obstacles, and achieving positive and effective learning among students, including:
- Determining the general system of the school, such as attendance time and departure time.
- Clarifying the student’s rights such as participation in class and extracurricular activities.
- Regulating the student’s behavior such as maintaining order, calm, not vandalizing property, or practicing some wrong behaviors such as smoking.
- Determining the students’ external appearance in terms of dress and maintaining personal hygiene.
- Clarifying exam instructions and the student’s educational tasks inside the classroom.
The teaching staff
It is the basic element in the educational process, and is considered the builder of the nation. The teacher exerts his efforts to raise a generation armed with knowledge and science, so he is responsible for planning the teaching and preparation process, achieving the desired educational goals, and carrying out administrative responsibilities. This requires the presence of a competent teacher who is constantly trained and developed, and provided with the most important scientific findings in the field of education and teaching.
The academic schedule The academic schedule organizes curricular and extracurricular activities at their time inside and outside the school throughout the academic year, which makes the educational process organized and far from randomness. The academic schedule contains the classes and their duration, the names of teachers, trip days, celebrations, meetings, the exam period, and the start and end dates of the academic year.
School radio
School radio is one of the extracurricular activities practiced by students and implemented inside the school, which provides an element of fun and excitement for the learner, as a group of paragraphs are presented to students during the morning assembly, which are prepared under the supervision of the teacher. The importance of this extracurricular activity lies in providing useful and diverse information to students, encouraging students to search for information from reliable sources, and developing the student’s personality by increasing his self-confidence, acquiring listening, writing and reading skills, and discovering some of his talents such as reciting poetry and writing press reports.
Psychological Counseling
Department Psychology is closely linked to the learning process, as it is concerned with studying the developmental characteristics of students, their psychological needs and their behavior. Therefore, it is very important to have a psychological counseling department within the school to work on guiding students, modifying their behavior, developing their personality, increasing their self-confidence and helping them discover their strengths, get rid of their weaknesses, and identify their orientations and tendencies to achieve their psychological health and solve some of the problems they may face inside and outside the school, with the necessity for the psychological counselor to possess methods of persuasion and change, which is positively reflected in academic achievement and raising the educational level of students.
School Curriculum
The concept of curriculum refers to a set of integrated elements, namely educational content, educational objectives, teaching methods and strategies, various educational means, and the evaluation process. Therefore, creating an effective and appropriate educational environment for learners requires adopting a curriculum that includes content related to reality and provides purposeful educational experiences that develop the individual in all aspects and provide him with knowledge that he can benefit from in his practical life. It must also achieve cognitive, skill and emotional goals in the short and long term for the learner.
The school curriculum must also reflect the vision and mission of the Ministry of Education to create distinctive educational opportunities for the student, adopt teaching methods and techniques and educational means that contribute to the advancement of the educational process and facilitate the access of information to the learner, focus on learning through discovery, investigation, creative thinking and cooperative group work, employ the use of technology in education through activities that are the responsibility of the learner, or through the methods followed in teaching, or by adopting modern types of learning such as e-learning, and move towards applying the constructivist theory where learning is an interactive process between the learner and the student.